Gunn High School Junior/ Senior Prom
April 20, 2024
San Francisco Design Center
The Junior/ Senior Prom has a limited number of tickets available, determined by the size of the venue and bus space. Once all of these tickets are sold, we are sold out - so plan accordingly and purchase your tickets early.
Due to a requirement to finalize our headcount for the venue and transportation, ticket purchases in the SAO and online will close on Tuesday, 4/9 at 4:30 PM or UNTIL SOLD OUT, whichever comes first.
The Junior/ Senior Prom has a limited number of tickets available, determined by the size of the venue and bus space. Once all of these tickets are sold, we are sold out - so plan accordingly and purchase your tickets early.
Due to a requirement to finalize our headcount for the venue and transportation, ticket purchases in the SAO and online will close on Tuesday, 4/9 at 4:30 PM or UNTIL SOLD OUT, whichever comes first.
So, how do I get my tickets? Read the information below before making your Prom Ticket Purchase!
STEP I - GUESTS*: Planning on bringing a guest to Prom who is not a Gunn Student? You will need a completed Guest Pass on file in order to purchase a ticket for your guest. GUEST PASS FORM (Due 4/8 at 4pm in Main Office) Once you have the Guest Pass Form completely filled out and approved by a Gunn Administrator, Mrs. Hall will add you to the approved purchase database and you may purchase a ticket for your guest in the SAC or online. Guest Pass Forms will also be available in the SAC. NOTE - in the event Prom sells out, Priority will be given to seniors, then juniors, then guests/ underclassmen. *Gunn 9th and 10th graders must be accompanied by a Junior or Senior to prom - no guest form needed. Must buy tickets in SAC. |
STEP II - WHAT TO PAY: Your ticket includes transportation, the dance, activities at the venue, and food - What a deal! Here's the cost to you... Tickets will be on sale starting March 5th until April 9th @ 4:30 PM or until Sold Out, whichever comes first:
STEP IV - BUS SEATING: Sign up for Bus Seating on the bus sign up form (click button above to get to information about transportation). The link will be posted on Schoology on April 14th - please follow the instructions if you want to have a say in your seating. Sign ups will close on April 17th at noon. Students who do not sign up during the window will be randomly assigned. |